Thank you for submitting your comfort care consultation request.
Your information will reach us via email within a few minutes. Our client support specialist will call or email you soon to confirm the timing and other details for the visit. Our phone support hours are Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM and Sat/Sun 8AM-3PM. If you haven’t heard back from us within an hour, please give us a call at 612-354-8500. For after-hours submissions, we will contact you after 8 AM the next day.
If you choose, you may prepay using the “Pay Now” button. Or we can accept payment (cash, check or credit) at the time of our visit.
Note: If the “Pay Now” button is not visible on this page, you may be outside our service area. Please contact us at 612-354-8500 or [email protected] to discuss service options that may be available for you.