What to do before a MN Pets appointment

You’ve scheduled the appointment for a MN Pets veterinarian to come to your home to help your pet, but aren’t quite sure what to do with your remaining time together. We have found that the time in between scheduling the appointment and when the doctor arrives can be a difficult one. What should you do? How can you prepare? Be it hours or days, this can be a unique time to bond with your pet and perhaps create some good memories. We have compiled a list of suggestions on what to do with your beloved pet during the time before your appointment.

  • Take pictures of your pet.  Taking special photos of your friend can be a wonderful way to remember them.  Some pets don’t look quite like themselves near the end of their lives, and you may not want to remember them this way.  An alternative would be to take a picture of their paws, a close up of their fur, or focus the camera on just one part of them, like their nose or whiskers.
  • Invite family or friends over.   Having those that love your pet come for a visit can be healing.  Many people invite loved ones over to say goodbye to their dear friend. Some families even choose to have an end of life celebration! It is also perfectly okay to have those closest to you at the appointment if you wish.
  • Give your pet a special treat.  This question comes up a lot for us-there is a special treat that their pet loves, but normally can’t indulge in on a regular basis. Can they have that special treat before their appointment?  Absolutely. However, it’s usually best to stay away from really greasy, heavy foods (like bacon or other processed meats) before the appointment, as they can upset the pet’s stomach and make them uncomfortable.
  • Go for a ride in the car.  If your pet enjoys car rides, taking them for a ride in the car may be something to consider.  Perhaps a short walk in their favorite park, or even just driving to an open area to sit outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Write a letter to your pet.  At times it’s hard to say what we are feeling, even to our pets.  We find it can be helpful to write down what you are feeling in a letter to your furry friend.  The letter can be read out loud to your pet, framed next to a favorite picture, or you can choose to send the letter along with your pet to their final resting place.  Your pet will benefit from the sound of your voice if you read it out loud, and you will likely feel comfort in knowing that you were able to share your feelings with your dear friend.
  • Take a nap.  Your pet may be sleeping more than they used to.  This can be a great opportunity to snuggle up with them and nap side by side.  It is likely that you need some rest, too.
  • Decide where you’d like the appointment to take place and the overall feeling for the visit that you desire.  Know that our doctors will bring all of the supplies they need for your pet’s appointment. Many people find that having their pet lie in their favorite bed, on the couch, outside, or even in the human’s bed for the appointment is comforting.  This is the time to decide on the environment that you would like for the appointment.  Some people choose to light candles, have soft music playing, include flowers or essential oils, or read a poem.  Others choose to incorporate cultural or religious beliefs into the visit.  Our doctors are comfortable with however you would like the visit to feel, and this is an added benefit to having the appointment in your home.

No matter what you decide to do in the time before your appointment with us, we hope that you take comfort in knowing that you are helping your pet in the kindest way possible.



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